CNB Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
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== Area description<ref>Text presented here is taken verbatim from the original.</ref> == With globalization, the English language has become a tool for accessing the information, communication, technology, science, culture, arts and labor markets. The English Area develops in a student the key competences for learning the language and, consequently, the four fundamental domains required to master it: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These domains have led to the following Area components, which are interdependent and complementary: learning to listen, speaking and interacting with others, understanding what is read and written expression. An effective language teaching and learning process requires the selection of specific approaches and methods considering the generation of a relaxed and non-stressful learning experience, boost of self-confidence and enhance motivation to reduce the affective filter in the classroom. The Area contents are developed mostly by using the functional communicative approach that focuses on the process of communication instead of the mastery of the language forms. Therefore, it demands the language’s use in a real context that provides the same natural conditions used when students learn their native language. This approach has a specific connection with Vigostsky´s sociocultural theory, which stresses languages as a tool in a socially mediated process. The introductory stage of the Area is developed through Total Physical Response (TPR) and successively the cooperative and collaborative learning and the Natural Approach Method, as well as others, to accomplish the development of the linguistic communicative competencies thus the student will gradually improve listening, speaking, reading and writing so the teacher´s role is to facilitate communication, while the student carries out communicative activities: problem solving, games, role playing and different discussion tasks, among others. English learning promotes the development of competences from other curricular areas that allow students to act critically and responsibly within a framework of values. The topics to be addressed on this area were carefully selected; furthermore, the student’s interests and context have also been considered as fundamental for this particular purpose. The contents and methodology provide an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural practices. The English Area was built in a participative manner by specialists and in the current year 2018 it went through a period of validation as established in Acuerdo Ministerial No. 91-2018, dated January 9, 2018; specialists and teachers from all over the country participated in this validation. The significant changes that this area presents are aimed at strengthening the components. The area competences and grade competences, learning outcomes, and the new contents were designed and incorporated to develop the key competences in students for learning the new language. The area presents the following components: learning to listen, speaking an interacting with others, understanding what is read and written expression, all of them will be developed mostly by using the functional communicative approach. The cultural aspect and the learning of vocabulary will be used transversally across of each one of these components thanks to the communicative approach that mainly focusses on the process of communication.
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Primaria Acelerada
Básico por Madurez
Bach en CC y LL
Ciencias Biológicas
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Educación Física
Educación Musical
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Gestión de Oficinas
Mecánica Automotriz
Productividad y Emprendimiento
Por Madurez
Educación Bilingüe
Electricidad Industrial
Electrónica y Dispositivos Digitales
Industria de Alimentos
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Pensum Perito Contador Diurna
Pensum Perito Contador Nocturna
Pensum Perito Contador Computación Diurna
Pensum Perito Contador Computación Fin de Semana
Pensum Perito Contador Bilingüe Matutina
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Preprimaria (nuevo)
Primaria Acelerada
Mallas curriculares Bachillerato y Magisterio EBI
Bach en CC y LL
Ciencias Biológicas
Diseño Gráfico
Productividad y Desarrollo
Educación Física
Educación Musical
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Gestión de Oficinas
Mecánica Automotriz
Productividad y Emprendimiento
Por Madurez
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ODEC Primaria
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Pensamiento crítico
Cómo aprendemos
Falacias lógicas
Recursos de Lectoescritura
Enseñanza de la comprensión lectora
Colección CILEES
Antología de cuentos
Cuentos en familia
Tesoro de la lectura
Aprendizaje de la Lectoescritura
• Prácticas
• Actividades
Guía docente para comprensión lectora
Cuadernillos pedagógicos
Organizadores de Lectura
Evaluación Basada en Currículo
Lectoescritura funcional
Involucramiento de padres de familia en lectoescritura
Potenciando la Lectura - guía docente
Recursos de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural
Planificación por pueblos
Antología de cuentos
Nuestro idioma en la escuela
Kemon Ch'abäl
Buenas prácticas EBI
Guía para material con pertinencia EBI
Protocolo acompañamiento EBI
Evaluación de la lectura
Manual de Educación Intercultural
Manual de orientación para voluntarios
Creando sinergia - Xinka
Recursos STEAM
Experimento 10+
Otros Recursos Educativos
Calendario Escolar
Serie Prácticas Educativas
Buenas Prácticas EBI
Elaboración de Materiales
Recursos por Nivel y Grado
Recursos de Evaluación
Guías prueba de docentes
Breves para Docentes
Cuadernillos Pedagógicos - Matemáticas
Cuadernillos Pedagógicos - Comprensión lectora
Aprender del Error - Básico
Aprender del Error - Graduandos
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Evaluación Basada en Currículo
Juventud y Género
Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico
Abriendo Oportunidades
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Competencias básicas para la vida
Gobierno escolar Primaria
Gobierno escolar Secundaria
Lectoescritura funcional
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