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CNB Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero/Criterios de evaluación
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{{Título}} __TOC__ The assessment criteria are statements which mainly function to guide the teacher towards the aspects that must be taken into account when determining the type and learning level achieved by the student at each stage of the educational process, according to the established competencies in the curriculum. From this point of view, it can be said that they work as regulators of the learning-assessment-teaching strategies. According to each learning outcome, there are some proposals of assessment criteria presented below. == Primero Básico == <span id="criterio_1_1_1"></span>1.1 Distinguishes the meaning of words and phrases related to daily school life: * Using words related to daily school life in different conversations, according to their appropriate meaning. * Showing by his answer that understands each word when hears a greeting. * Pointing at when hears the name of each classroom object. <span id="criterio_1_1_2"></span>1.2 Understands specific phrases related to daily activities at school: * Explaining in his own words what he understands of specific phrases related to daily activities at school given by the teacher or his classmates. * Recognizing pictures when hears words. * Writing correctly the numbers (or time expressions) he hears. <span id="criterio_1_1_3"></span>1.3 Follows common directions given by the teacher. * Following exactly common directions given by the teacher. * Explaining others the emergency warnings given by the teacher. * Following instructions to do a specific task. <span id="criterio_1_2_1"></span>2.1 Begins to use polite social language and basic vocabulary appropriately. * Giving greetings and farewells in a conversation. * Responding appropriately questions with what, why and who. * Describing himself and family using present and continuous tenses. <span id="criterio_1_2_2"></span>2.2 Asks and answers basic questions about needed information. * Asking and answering correctly basic questions using simple present and present continuous tenses in a dialogue with his classmates. * Answering orally questions about his daily routines. * Telling oral information about his family members or about places and addresses. <span id="criterio_1_2_3"></span>2.3 Provides information about very specific topics. * Giving information about prices, products or recipes. * Describing persons using adjectives. * Explaining the process to following a recipe. <span id="criterio_1_3_1"></span>3.1 Pronounces common words and phrases. * Reading aloud a short paragraph with understandable pronunciation. * Explaining with his own words the content of a reading. * Telling about his likes and dislikes. <span id="criterio_1_3_2"></span>3.2 Understands the meaning of common words and phrases in his readings. * Answering reading comprehension questions. * Retelling the content for readings about routines. * Explaining the content of brochures and catalogs. <span id="criterio_1_3_3"></span>3.3 Analyzes the meaning of common words and phrases. * Identifying the main idea and the essential information of phrases. * Telling the meaning of new vocabulary in written stories. * Applying the learned vocabulary in new sentences. <span id="criterio_1_4_1"></span>4.1 Writes words with accurate spelling. * Writing sentences told by the teacher with accurate spelling. * Writing an email with the right spelling. * Writing his own sentences with accurate spelling. <span id="criterio_1_4_2"></span>4.2 Writes phrases with the right grammar structure. * Writing an e-mail or a short message according to the right grammar structure. * Writing a description of his school or community with right grammar structure. * Writing a sequence of events related to American culture practices with right grammar structure. <span id="criterio_3_4_3"></span>4.3 Creates phrases related to his own context. * Writing phrases about his school or house. * Writing a description of all the people in a photo. * Writing his recommendations about a hotel or restaurant. == Segundo Básico == <span id="criterio_2_1_1"></span>1.1. Distinguishes the meaning of basic vocabulary concerning to familiar topics. * Using vocabulary related to technology, people, places and sports in short conversations. * Using adverbs of frequency in short dialogues. * Utilizing quantifiers with count and non-count nouns in oral phrases. <span id="criterio_2_1_2"></span>1.2. Responds to greetings, farewells and apologies appropriately. * Responding to greetings, farewells and apologies. * Using modal auxiliaries to express obligations, prohibition and permission. * Making gestures according to expressions of obligation, prohibition or permission. <span id="criterio_2_1_3"></span>1.3. Understands sentences about known topics. * Expressing phrases with daily routines verbs in class. * Making oral comparison and contrast of people and places. * Sharing life experiences using present continuous tense with his classmates. <span id="criterio_2_2_1"></span>2.1. Talks about familiar topics and personal experience using basic connectors, phrases and simple sentences. * Saying several phrases and sentences about fauna and flora using basic connectors. * Having a short conversation about his city or other places around the world. * Giving a short speech about vacation, future plans, his experiences or preferences. <span id="criterio_2_2_2"></span>2.2. Asks and answers basic questions about familiar topics using simple tenses. * Making questions and answers about favorite pastimes. * Asking and responding simple questions about familiar topics. * Responding questions in simple tenses. <span id="criterio_2_2_3"></span>2.3. Builds short speeches about his context or basic topics. * Giving a speech about his immediate context or a free topic. * Describing how to prepare simple cooking recipes. * Telling experiences of volunteering in his community. <span id="criterio_2_3_1"></span>3.1. Pronounces properly simple sentences related to daily life matters while reading. * Reading simple sentences correctly. * Making a clear and right intonation for a sentence or a question. * Stressing words properly. <span id="criterio_2_3_2"></span>3.2. Makes inferences about the meaning of simple sentences. * Explaining with his own words about the meaning of simple sentences. * Underlining main ideas of simple readings. * Ordering events based on a reading. <span id="criterio_2_3_3"></span>3.3. Explains by different ways the meaning of very simple sentences. * Making the appropriate gestures and mimics for very simple sentences. * Illustrating correctly the meaning of very simple sentences. * Drawing comic strips to illustrate sentences. <span id="criterio_2_4_1"></span>4.1. Writes sentences according to the right grammar structure. * Writing sentences with according to the right grammar structure. * Writing sentences to comparing places with accurate grammar structure. * Describing facts and opinions about an animal according to the right grammar structure. <span id="criterio_2_4_2"></span>4.2. Interprets the several meanings of a text. * Extracting the key information from a given text. * Classifying sentences in facts or opinions. * Giving an example of literal, subliminal and symbolic meanings within a text. <span id="criterio_2_4_3"></span>4.3. Creates different kind of descriptions using basic terms. * Describing an imaginary job. * Creating rules for a sport. * Describing how to give a hand within his community. == Tercero Básico == <span id="criterio_3_1_1"></span>1.1. Responds to sequence main ideas or events given at classroom: * Understanding surprise expressions in short conversations. * Following word formation for a sentence. * Telling suggestions and recommendations for travelling. <span id="criterio_3_1_2"></span>1.2. Deduces the meaning of basic conversations of known topics: * Responding to good and bad news. * Selecting the best adjectives to describe feelings related to memory. * Using correctly the auxiliary “would” in conversations. <span id="criterio_3_1_3"></span>1.3. Compares grammar structure of simple and compound tenses. * Differentiating actions in past, present and future tense in sentences. * Using appropriately: Have to, can and can’t. * Applying past tense for complete actions and present perfect for incomplete actions. <span id="criterio_3_2_1"></span>2.1. Makes oral presentations about familiar topics and personal experiences. * Utilizing connections, simple and compound sentences. * Describing likes and dislikes using like, prefer and rather. * Describing how people spends time using present perfect continuous. <span id="criterio_3_2_2"></span>2.2. Asks and answers basic questions about different topics with compound tenses. * Asking and answering questions about prices using how much and past perfect tense. * Using short answers to questions in dialogues. * Making offers and responding to them. <span id="criterio_3_2_3"></span>2.3. Shares information about different topics in several contexts. * Talking or giving oral reports of situations considered lucky or unlucky. * Talking about relevant experiences in the past. * Giving several excuses. <span id="criterio_3_3_1"></span>3.1. Finds specific information in short and everyday readings. * Following descriptions for playing a sport. * Organizing the sequence of events in a given story. * Recognizing required words in a given text. <span id="criterio_3_3_2"></span>3.2. Makes inferences about the meaning of very basic texts. * Describing the main idea in a technical text. * Recognizing the meaning of new words from the context. * Extracting facts from a story or a short article. <span id="criterio_3_3_3"></span>3.3. Analyzes the primarily intention of very basic texts. * Recognizing the main point in a report. * Understanding and following instructions and explanations. * Explaining the purpose of a magazine article. <span id="criterio_3_4_1"></span>4.1. Writes narrations about different topics of his context. * Writing appropriately a short narration about his family or relationships. * Writing correctly an anecdote about his family or relationships. * Writing properly a narration of his accomplishments using present perfect tense. <span id="criterio_3_4_2">4.2. Applies different grammar rules in his writings. * Writing a short article about the clothes people wear. * Describing current trends of different age groups. * Writing a note or message giving advices for traveling to a specific destination in Guatemala. <span id="criterio_3_4_3">4.3. Creates his own narrations taking in account an accurate spelling. * Writing an email advising on how to reorganize his room. * Describing one of his hobbies. * Writing his memories of an enjoyable journey. [[Categoría:Básico]] [[Categoría:Comunicación y Lenguaje]] [[Categoría:L 3]] [[Categoría:Evaluación]]
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Por Madurez
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Pueblo Maya
Pueblo Garífuna
Pueblo Xinka
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Currículo en la agenda 2030
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ODEC Inicial
ODEC Preprimaria
ODEC Primaria
Educación Musical
Aprender a pensar
Técnicas didácticas
Pensamiento crítico
Cómo aprendemos
Falacias lógicas
Recursos de Lectoescritura
Enseñanza de la comprensión lectora
Colección CILEES
Antología de cuentos
Cuentos en familia
Tesoro de la lectura
Aprendizaje de la Lectoescritura
• Prácticas
• Actividades
Guía docente para comprensión lectora
Cuadernillos pedagógicos
Organizadores de Lectura
Evaluación Basada en Currículo
Lectoescritura funcional
Involucramiento de padres de familia en lectoescritura
Potenciando la Lectura - guía docente
Recursos de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural
Planificación por pueblos
Antología de cuentos
Nuestro idioma en la escuela
Kemon Ch'abäl
Buenas prácticas EBI
Guía para material con pertinencia EBI
Protocolo acompañamiento EBI
Evaluación de la lectura
Manual de Educación Intercultural
Manual de orientación para voluntarios
Creando sinergia - Xinka
Recursos STEAM
Experimento 10+
Otros Recursos Educativos
Calendario Escolar
Serie Prácticas Educativas
Buenas Prácticas EBI
Elaboración de Materiales
Recursos por Nivel y Grado
Recursos de Evaluación
Guías prueba de docentes
Breves para Docentes
Cuadernillos Pedagógicos - Matemáticas
Cuadernillos Pedagógicos - Comprensión lectora
Aprender del Error - Básico
Aprender del Error - Graduandos
Evaluación en el Aula
Evaluación del desempeño basada en competencias
Repasos de lectura del CNB
Evaluación Basada en Currículo
Juventud y Género
Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico
Abriendo Oportunidades
Educar para la igualdad
Competencias básicas para la vida
Gobierno escolar Primaria
Gobierno escolar Secundaria
Lectoescritura funcional
Necesidades Educativas Especiales
Material NEE docentes regulares
Adecuaciones para NEE
Leyes para educación especial
Bibliotecas y Recursos
Bibliotecas comunitarias
Estimulación temprana a la lectura
Qué y para qué de la biblioteca
Nuestros juguetes, juegos, rondas y cantos infantiles
Liderazgo Pedagógico
Protocolo de regreso para directores
Prevención de la violencia
Guías Prevenir es mejor
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Manual PEI
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