Serie prácticas educativas/13. Cómo fomentar el lenguaje en el nivel preescolar/Referencias

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  1. Bowman, B. et al. Eager to learn : educating our preschoolers. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 2000.
  2. Dickinson, D.; Cote, L. y Smith, M. "Learning vocabulary in pres-school: social discourse context affecting vocabulary growth". New directions for child adolescent development (San Francisco, CA), vol. 61, 1993, pp. 67-77.
  3. Dodge, D.; Herroman, C . Building your baby’s brain. Washington, DC; U.S. Department of Education. Teaching Strategies, Inc., 2000.
  4. Hart, B.; Risely, T.R. Meaningful differences in the everyday experiences of young children. Baltimore, MD, Brookes Publishing, 1995.
  5. Jewett, J. Aggression and cooperation: helping young children develop constructive strategies. Urbana, IL, ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education, 1992 (ED351147).
  6. Linder, T. Read, play and learn. Baltimore, MD, Brookes Publishing, 1999.
  7. Pinker, S. The language instinct: how the mind creates language. New York, NY, William Morrow, 1994.
  8. Shanahan, T. The National Reading Panel: using research to create more literate student. Newark, DE, International Reading Association, Reading Online, 1999.
  9. Teaching our youngest: a guide for preschool teachers and childcare and family providers. Jessup, MD, Education Publications Center, U.S. Department of Education, 2002.