Serie prácticas educativas/9. Prevención del vih-sida en las escuelas/Bibliografía
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- Ashworth, C.S. et al. (1992). "An evaluation of a school-based AIDS/HIV education programme for high school students". Journal of adolescent health (Palo Alto, CA), vol. 13, núm. 7, 582-588.
- Basch, C. (1989). "Preventing AIDS through education: concepts, strategies, and research priorities". Journal of school health (Kent, OH), vol. 59, núm. 7, 296-300.
- Cenelli, B. et al. (1994). "Applying co-operative learning in health education". Journal of school health (Kent, OH), vol. 64, núm. 3, 99-102.
- Centers for Disease Control (1988). "Guidelines for effective school health education to prevent the spread of AIDS". Morbidity and mortality weekly report (Atlanta, GA), vol. 37, núm. S-2, 1–13.
- Crosby, R. (1996). "Combating the illusion of adolescent invincibility to HIV/ AIDS". Journal of school health (Kent, OH), vol. 66, núm. 5, 186-190.
- Denson, D.R. et al. (1993). "Factors that influence HIV/AIDS instruction in schools". Adolescence (San Diego, CA), vol. 28, núm. 110, 309-314.
- Education International; World Health Organization (2001). Training and resource manual on school health and HIV/AIDS prevention. Ginebra, Suiza, WHO.
- Gingiss, P.; Basen-Engquist, K. (1994). "HIV education practices and training needs of middle school and high school teachers". Journal of school health (Kent, OH), vol. 64, núm. 7, 290-295.
- Grunseit, A. et al. (1997). "Sexuality education and young people’s sexual behaviour: a review of studies". Journal of adolescent research (London), vol. 12, núm. 4, 421-453.
- Israel, B. et al. (1995). "Evaluation of health education programs: current assessment and future directions". Health education quarterly (Thousand Oaks, CA), vol. 22, núm. 3, 364-389.
- Janz, N. et al. (1996). "Evaluation of thirty-seven AIDS prevention projects: successful approaches and barriers to programme effectiveness". Health education quarterly (Thousand Oaks, CA), vol. 23, núm. 1, 80-97.
- Kelly, M.J. (2000). The encounter between HIV/AIDS and education. Harare, UNESCO Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa.
- Kirby, D. (1995). "Sexual and HIV/AIDS education in schools". British medical journal (London), núm. 311, 403. Kirby, D. et al. (1994). "School-based programs to reduce sexual risk behaviors: a review of effectiveness". Public health reports (Hyattsville, MD), vol. 10, 339-60.
- Ogletree, R. et al. (1995). "An assessment of twenty-three selected schoolbased sexuality education curricula". Journal of school health (Kent, OH), vol. 65, núm. 5,186-191.
- Popham, W.J. (1992). Evaluating HIV education programs. Atlanta, GA, Centers for Disease Control.
- Ragon, B. et al. (1995). "The effect of a single affective HIV/AIDS educational programme on college students’ knowledge and attitudes". AIDS education and prevention (Nueva York, NY), vol. 7, núm. 3, 221-231.
- Schenker, I. (2001). "New challenges for school AIDS education within an evolving HIV pandemic". Prospects (París), vol. 30, núm. 3, 415-434.
- Schenker, I.; Greenblatt, C. (1993). "Israeli youth and AIDS: knowledge and attitude changes among high school students following an AIDS education program". Israel journal of medical sciences (Jerusalem), vol. 29, núm. 10, 41-47.
- Schenker, I.; Sabar-Friedman, G., Sy. F. (1996). AIDS education: interventions in multi-cultural societies. Nueva York, NY, Plenum.
- Siegel, D. et al. (1996). "Change in junior high school students AIDS-related knowledge, misconceptions, attitudes, and HIV-preventive behaviours: effects of a schoolbased intervention". Journal of community health (Nueva York, NY), vol. 21, núm. 1, 23-35.
- UNAIDS (1997). Learning and teaching about AIDS at school. Ginebra, Suiza, UNAIDS.
- Wash, M.E.; Bibace, R. (1990). "Developmentally-based HIV/AIDS education". Journal of school health (Kent, OH), vol. 60, núm. 6, 256-261.
- Whitman, C.V. et al. (2001). Skill-based health education and life skills. Washington, DC, Organización Panamericana de la Salud.
- World Health Organization (1999). Preventing HIV/AIDS/STI and related discrimination: an important responsibility of health-promoting schools. Ginebra, Suiza, OIS. (Serie de información sobre salud escolar, documento).